
Founder, Designer, and CEO

Jake is a designer who loves unwinding complexity. He appreciates beautiful design in his magical tools so we all can focus on the art of astrology, not the messy overwhelming data.

Videos with Jake

Podcast appearances with Jake

038 — OOUX at HelloFresh with Jake Zukowski

The Object-Oriented UX Podcast

Sophia Prater and I discussed how a designer on my team at HelloFresh started sneaking OOUX through the backdoor in our strategic projects. We also debated the need for product managers as a role, as they seem utterly superfluous when you have strategic UX designers.


The Top UX Predictions for 2015

by UX Magazine

My claim to fame in the 2010s. My work in automotive was recognised by professionals as an important topic about safety and desirability.

Being Metrics Driven Stinks. Be Informed by Metrics Instead

article on LinkedIn

Metrics-driven product development is stupid and bad. Instead, you should be metrics informed. Don’t be like HelloFresh or Booking.com.

Service Design Wins Elections

article on LinkedIn

My infamous prediction that Trump would win the 2016 USA election, as he was talking about real (if not insignificant) pain points of the American populace. I’m sad I was right.

Podcasts produced